At 11:50, the spot is approximately 1.2980 Euro Dollar $ Euro Yen cross and traded around the 113.40 yen.
In daily data, the cross is located in an ascending channel (shown in black). This provides a level of support around the $ 1.2860. $ 1.3125 The act of resistance. This level corresponds to a 38.20% retracement of the decline between December 2009 and the low points in June 2010.
In the medium term, we remain bearish as long as $ 1.3125 are not exceeded in the direction of $ 1.2733 (+ graphic level moving average 20 days).
Despite the bullish momentum given day, the Euro Dollar remains under pressure. Indeed, the resistance of $ 1.3021 slows the progression of the cross. Exceeding this last bullish momentum could be achieved towards the $ 1.3125 (level of resistance to medium term).
In the short term, a return to parity in the direction of $ 1.288/60 (channel support daily) is our preferred scenario.
Hourly data chart:

Daily data chart: